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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus, first identified in a cluster with pneumonia symptoms in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China.

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) can cause mild to severe respiratory illness, with symptoms including fever, difficulty breathing, coughing, headache, and sore throat. These can develop into pneumonia.

recommended preventive actions against this respiratory virus include the following: – Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub. – Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth before washing your hands. – Avoid contact with sick people who show respiratory symptoms. – Make sure that you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  • Contact the Medical Facility if you have fever or any Flu-like symptoms
  • Always wear a face mask and gloves when you are outdoors
  • Maintain your hygiene through washing hands with soaps and using hand sanitizers
  • Ignore rumors. The right information is always available at the right authorities
  • Make sure to report to your Supervisor/Camp Manager, if you found a colleague who has fever or any Flu-like symptoms
  • Avoid spreading rumors and fake news related to Covid-19 spread
  • Make sure you need a medical prescription
  • Avoid physical contact while greeting others
  • خلق الوعي والاحتياطات اللازمة التي يجب اتخاذها ضد انتشار الفيروس
  • Direct workers when they must wear masks
  • Create a supporting and encouraging atmosphere to avoid panic
  • Provide reminders on the sanitation of the labour camp
  • Encourage your teamwork to contact the doctor when any of them suffers fever or any Flu-like symptoms
  • Make sure that the related information are displayed in both work site and labour camp
  • Ensure the availability of cleaning supplies and sanitizers for hand washing
  • Inform your teamwork of the nearest medical center if they have fever or any Flu-like symptoms
  • Maintain your personal hygiene
  • Make sure the bus is clean before passengers’ boarding
  • Make sure the bus is well ventilated
  • Open all bus doors to avoid crowding
  • Direct passengers to keep distance while getting seated
  • Report to Supervisors if you observe a suspected case
  • Supervise bus cleaning process by the end of the day
  • Always wear a face mask and gloves when you are outdoors
Ministry of Health and Prevention : 80011111
Dubai Health Authority : 800342
Dubai municipality : 993
Ambulance : 999

A Guide to workers Health and Safety Standards

During Pandemics and Disasters

The national agenda of UAE Vision of 2021 aims at providing a health system based on the highest international standards where the UAE government works in cooperation with health authorities throughout the UAE to enhance the preventive practices, control disease spread rates, avoid health related risks, and handle the situations of disasters and pandemics efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with the proper health procedures and international standards. Communal and institutional awareness plays a considerable role in defeating the risks caused by the said disasters. Such role is very significant that the UAE government has dedicated much efforts to provide health and prevention awareness through different means and medias. This guide is considered among those means and steps taken amid the difficult times we witness together as community members and business owners. Accordingly, this guide provides a comprehensive reference to handling emergency situations within Labour Camps and Work Sites. Further, it defines the proper and strict health procedures that shall be applied to minimize damage on all levels. Download Link